الاثنين، 6 نوفمبر 2017

ماذا يفعل النظام الإيراني في العراق؟

تم التحديث: 

الأحداث والتطورات الأخيرة في العراق والتي كان لقوة القدس الإرهابية التابعة للحرس الثوري الإيراني الدور الرئيسي فيها، لها أهمية كبيرة جداً؛ لأنها جاءت بعد إدراج الحرس الثوري ضمن لائحة الإرهاب لوزارة الخزانة الأميركية.
تعود خلفية تدخلات نظام ولاية الفقيه الحاكم في إيران في العراق إلى السنوات الأولى لاستيلاء هذا النظام على الحكم، عندما امتطى مؤسسه الخميني على صهوة الأحاسيس الدينية لشعب هذا البلد، وفرض ديكتاتورية أسوأ بكثير من الديكتاتورية التي سبقته على الشعب الإيراني.
من ضمن تدخلات هذا النظام في الشؤون الداخلية للبلدان، يمكننا الإشارة إلى تدخلات هذا النظام في علاقة أكراد العراق بالحكومة المركزية في العراق.
هذا النظام الذي له عداء شديد يصل للنخاع مع قضية الأقليات الدينية والعرقية في داخل حدوده، وقام لمرات عديدة بسفك دماء آلاف الأكراد الإيرانيين ولحد اليوم يقوم بشنق وإعدام الشباب الأكراد، ولكل هذا علاقة بفتوى الخميني التي أباح فيها قتلهم وإبادتهم، وما زالت تدور في الذاكرة ذكريات تتعلق بالدور الفعال لهذا النظام الإرهابي في العراق يعود إلى أعوام ما قبل 2003، عندما قام بقتل مئات من أعضاء المعارضة الإيرانية وللأسف البالغ لم يتم لحد الآن التقصّي عنه دولياً.
إن اعتماد الغرب لسياسة واستراتيجية خاطئتين تجاه الشرق الأوسط وبشكل خاص بالنسبة لإيران، منحت ديكتاتورية الملالي مكاسب جمّة هيّأت الأرضية بعد سقوط النظام السابق في العراق؛ كي يكون له نفوذ في هذا البلد عندما قام فرض ديكتاتورية تابعة لولاية الفقيه على العراق، ولم تمضِ سوى فترة قصيرة حتى دارت في العراق أحداث شبيهة بما جرت في إيران، عندما أضحت الأقليات الضحية الأولى لظلم وجور نظام ولاية الفقيه، وها قد شهد العالم كله قمع السّنّة في العراق وصار الأكراد أيضاً معرض تهديد لهذا النظام الذي يسعى وتحت حجج وذرائع مختلفة لسلب المكتسبات التي حصل عليها الأكراد.
من هنا، فإنه من الخطأ التغاضي عن تدخلات النظام الإيراني في العراق؛ إذ إن هذا النظام قد غرز مخالبه كأخطبوط رهيب على أساسيات سيادة هذا البلد إلى الحد الذي اعتبر فيه العراق خاضعاً لسلطانه!
بناءً على ذلك، فإنه من الخطأ جداً أن نختصر ما حدث مؤخراً في العراق بتلك الأحداث التي وقعت في دائرة محصورة بين أربيل وبغداد.. كما أن المشهد والحالة نفسها ينسحبان على ما يحدث من تدخلات هذا النظام في سوريا والعراق واليمن ولبنان أيضاً.
لم تكن رغبة ومطلب شعوب هذه البلدان أن تواجه إلى جانب النظم الديكتاتورية الحاكمة هناك، قوات أخرى، لكن النظام الإيراني هو من تدخّل في هذه البلدان وعقد الأمور فيها وتسببّ بسفك دماء الشعوب.
الذي لا شك فيه أبداً أنه لولا هذه التدخلات من جانب النظام الإيراني في العراق لكانت مشاكل هذه البلدان تبدو بشكل أبسط ولم تسفك كل هذه الدماء، ويقيناً فقد كان القسم الأكبر من تلك المشاكل قد تم حله، أو على الأقل لم تصل مشكلات هذه البلدان إلى حد الأفكار الانفصالية والدموية.
هناك في العراق حالياً قوة تسمى "الحشد الشعبي"، التي هي استنساخ واستلهام لميليشيات الحرس الثوري، وتابعة لها، ويسعى النظام الإيراني من خلالها لفرض السيطرة العسكرية له على سائر أرجاء العراق.
لا شكَّ أن النظام الإيراني لو كان قد فرض سيطرته على الحكومة المحلية لإقليم كردستان، لما تحملها، ما يسعى النظام الإيراني إلى تطبيقه، هو سيناريو خطير ولو سنحت له الفرصة لبادر إلى الشروع به.
جدير بالذكر أن حضور قوات وقادة الحرس الإيراني في العراق وسوريا ليس بذلك الأمر الذي بإمكان المسؤولين الكبار في النظام الإيراني إنكاره وإخفاؤه، وقد سارت سياسة الغرب لحد الآن وللأسف لصالح النظام الإيراني.
كما أثبت بأن له باعاً طويلاً في تصدير الإرهاب وخلق الأزمات خارج الحدود؛ حيث تمكن طيلة السنوات الماضية ومن خلال استخدام تجاربه الممزوجة بأنواع وأساليب الخداع والتمويه، من حرف الأفكار العامة لإطالة عمره غير المشروع.
لكن عكس زعمهم وخلافاً للمراحل المنصرمة وبعد الشروع في المرحلة الجديدة التي بدأت منذ حوالي سنة، أصبح هناك إجماع عالمي يرى أن الحل الوحيد لمعالجة الأزمات والمعضلات في هذه المنطقة من العالم يكمن في تغيير ديكتاتورية ولاية الفقيه الحاكمة في إيران، وهذه حقيقة دفعت النظام لكي يجنّ جنونه ويجعله يقدم على إجراءات هستيرية بحيث أثر على توازنه في داخل وخارج إيران؛ إذ إنه يدري تماماً أن المقاومة الإيرانية وبزعامة الرئيسة السيدة مريم رجوي تترصد به من أجل التمهيد لإسقاط هذا النظام من خلال منازلتها الكبرى قريباً.
المقاومة الإيرانية إذ تعلن عن تضامنها مع أهالي كردستان العراق وفضح وكشف جميع تحركات حرس النظام الإيراني المستجدة في منطقة كركوك، تدين اعتداء واحتلال نظام الملالي خلال الأحداث الأخيرة، كما تطالب بتشكيل جلسة طارئة لمجلس الأمن لإدانة هذه الاعتداءات والاحتلال والتصدي لنظام الملالي في كردستان العراق، والتأكيد على ضرورة قطع دابره في المنطقة، وطرد الحرس الثوري وميليشياته العميلة من العراق وسوريا واليمن وأفغانستان، ومنع إرسال الأسلحة والقوات التابعة له إلى هذه البلدان.

الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017

الأربعاء، 27 سبتمبر 2017

ايران: تنفيذ حكم 80جلدة على ” ليلى بيات“

تم تنفيذ حكم بجلد 80ضربة على ليلى بيات في طهران في الساعة الحادية بعد الظهر الثلاثاء 19/أيلول –سبتمبر2017
كانت ليلا بيات اللاجئة التي أعادتها حكومة النرويجية في شهر مارس /آذار إلى إيران. إنها احتجزت في عام 2007مع 3من أصدقائها في ضيافة خصوصية حيث أدينت بجلد 80ضربة بسبب تعاطيهم المشروبات الكحولية .
جدير بالذكر أنه تم فصل ليلى بيات من إبنها الذي حالياً في 13عاماً من العمروأعيدت إلى إيران حيث كانت تحاول منذ آنذاك لتوقيف عقوقة الجلد ولكن أصبحت محاولاتها دون جدوى وفي نهاية المطاف تم إجراء هذا الحكم اللاإنساني .

الثلاثاء، 26 سبتمبر 2017

ورطة الملالي الکبرى

Iran: Over 12,000 women registered as victims of violence

The Coroner’s Office of Tehran, capital of Iran, declared that it has registered the names of 12,159 women as victims of violence in four months.
The public relations of the General Department of the Coroner’s Office of Tehran Province announced that in the four months since the beginning of the Persian New Year (March 21, 2017) until July 21, 2017, it has registered the names of 33,362 people, 12,159 of them women, who had referred to the forensic centers of Tehran province due to injuries they suffered in physical fights. (The state-run Mehr news agency – September 23, 2017)

الاثنين، 11 سبتمبر 2017

إحصائيات عالمية تكشف تفاقم أزمة الفقر في إيران

كشفت مؤسسة 'بورغن' غير الحكومية الأميركية، والتي تعنى بمكافحة الفقر في العالم، في إحصائية لها أن تزايد نسبة الفقر في إيران وصل إلى مستويات قياسية في ظل استشراء الفساد الحكومي وهيمنة الطغمة الحاكمة على ثروات البلاد.
يشار إلى أن مشروع 'بورغن' هو حملة تعمل على تحسين مستوى الفقر وتتشاور مع قادة الولايات المتحدة الأميركية وتشجعهم على إيجاد حلول لأزمة الفقر في العالم، على أن تقوم بتنفيذ إجراءات بهذا الشأن.
وتطرقت المقالة الافتتاحية للعدد الأخير من مجلة 'بورغن' إلى الفقر في إيران وكذلك من خلال عدد من المقالات منها ما كتبته الباحثة سارا دايموند تحت عنوان 'رفع العقوبات الاقتصادية لن يزيل أزمة الفقر عن إيران'.
كما كتب كورنل هولاند، أحد باحثي المؤسسة، مقالة بعنوان 'اللامساواة هي مفتاح الفقر في إيران'.
ورأت الدراسات والمقالات المنشورة أنه في الوقت الذي تصنف الولايات المتحدة إيران الدولة الأولى الراعية للإرهاب في العالم، لم نلحظ أي تعاطف عالمي مع الفقراء في طهران.
وبحسب الدراسات المقدمة، تشير إحصائيات العام 2015 إلى أن نسبة 70% من عدد سكان إيران هم من الفئات الفقيرة. كما تؤكد أن وجود هذه النسبة المرتفعة تدل على أن إيران من أكثر بلدان العالم فقراً.
وعلى سبيل المثال، تحتاج عائلة واحدة مكونة من أربعة أشخاص لمبلغ 400 دولار شهرياً لتأمين حاجاتهم الأساسية، لكن أغلب العوائل الإيرانية يعتاشون على دخل لا يتجاوز حوالي 200 دولار شهرياً.
وإذا ما تمت مقارنة الوضع المعيشي لهؤلاء مع العمال الفقراء في الصين يتضح أن وضع العمال في الصين أفضل بكثير، حيث يستلمون رواتب من النصف إلى ضعفين أعلى من العوائل الإيرانية.
وذكرت إحصائيات وزارة العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية الإيرانية أن هنالك أكثر من 12 مليون مواطن تحت خط الفقر، ويعانون من الفقر الغذائي أي المجاعة.
وترى مؤسسة 'بورغن' أنه بالرغم من امتلاك إيران احتياطي كبير من النفط والغاز، غير أن اللامساواة والاختلاف الطبقي الفاحش بين الفقراء والأغنياء في هذا البلد أدى إلى تزايد حدة الفقر، وهي حقيقة غير قابلة للإنكار.
وبحسب 'بورغن'، فإن أبناء وعوائل المسؤولين وأصحاب المناصب العليا في النظام الإيراني لهم علاقة مباشرة بأزمتي الفقر وعدم المساواة، إذ لديهم شبكة من العلاقات والمحسوبيات في البنوك والمؤسسات الاقتصادية والمالية ويقومون بنهب ثروات البلاد بشكل منظم.
الولي الفقيه خامنئي وحاشيته يستحوذون على ثروات البلاد
كذلك يستحوذ 5% فقط من سكان البلاد على منابع الثروة وهم من الفئة الحاكمة بدءاً من المرشد وحاشيته وحتى كبار المسؤولين وعوائلهم، في حين 95% من الشعب يعيشون في الفقر، حيث تقدر ثروة المرشد بحوالي 95 مليار دولار أميركي، وفق دراسات 'بورغن'.
وفي الوقت الذي يقضي هؤلاء الأغنياء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في عواصم الغرب كباريس ولندن، يصارع أغلبية الشعب الإيراني الموت للحصول على قوت يومه، وفق 'بورغن'.
وفي ظل هذه الأوضاع وازدياد معدلات الفقر وتضاعف نسبة البطالة، وعدم تنفيذ روحاني لوعوده الإصلاحية حتى في ما يتعلق بزيادة الرواتب بنسبة ضئيلة، يبدو أنه ليس جديراً بالثقة، وفق نتائج هذه الدراسات.
وأفادت الأبحاث أن زيادة النفقات العسكرية تسببت بشكل أساسي في ازدياد نسبة الفقر في إيران.

Iran is bulldozing the mass grave from the mullahs' 1988 massacre Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/09/iran_is_bulldozing_the_mass_grave_from_the_mullahs_1988_massacre.html#ixzz4sNg153TP Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Since its foundation, by Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, the regime of Iran has succeeded in maintaining its absolute power through the massive use of torture and executions of its citizens. They are now trying to cover up their crimes.

The ugly reality is that thousands of Iranians were sent to the gallows and torture chambers for absurd and preposterous charges of “enmity against God” or “spying for external powers.” In the 1980s, thousands of educated youth of Iran, who had been sympathetic to the opposition groups, were executed by the mullahs. In summer of 1988 alone, based on the decree of Khomeini, 30,000 political prisoners, most of whom were members or supporters of the Mujahedin (PMOI or MeK), were executed.
Four decades of savage suppression by the mullahs has frustrated Iran's people who now look for any opportunity to show their abhorrence for the government. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and other Iranian officials are, more than ever, frightened of another mass uprising. According to the report from the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), Amnesty International has launched a campaign on Monday calling on the authorities of the Iranian regime to “urgently stop the destruction of a mass grave in the southern city of Ahvaz.”
At least “a dozen political prisoners killed during a wave of mass extrajudicial executions in August and September 1988 are buried” in the mass grave.
Film footage obtained by Amnesty International “shows the site is gradually being buried beneath piles of construction waste” after a construction near the area began earlier this year.
“Bulldozing the mass grave at Ahvaz will destroy crucial forensic evidence that could be used to bring those responsible for the 1988 mass extrajudicial executions to justice. It would also deprive families of victims of their rights to truth, justice and reparation, including the right to bury their loved ones in dignity. By joining Amnesty International’s campaign, people can help to press Iran’s authorities to stop the imminent destruction of the site,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.
He added: “Instead of desecrating the mass grave with piles of rubbish and waste and further tormenting families, who face repression for their efforts to protect the memory of their loved ones, the authorities should be upholding their duty to preserve all Iran’s mass grave sites so that investigations can be carried out into the 1988 extrajudicial executions and other mass killings.”
Amnesty International is calling on people to join the campaign by promoting the hashtag #MassGraves88 on social media.
The Iranian regime executed more than 30,000 political prisoners, the overwhelming majority of whom were activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), upon a direct fatwa by Khomeini in July 1988.

The victims were buried in secret mass graves. The 1988 massacre was described as the worst crime in the history of the Islamic Republic by the late Hossein-Ali Montazeri, the heir apparent of Khomeini, the founder of the regime, at the time.
Many perpetuators of this crime currently hold high positions within the regime.
Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Iranian regime and many of his cabinet’s principal figures held positions of influence in the summer of 1988 and were well aware of the massacre. Some were prominent participants in it, and indeed Rouhani’s first-term Justice Minister, Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, was one of four members of the Tehran death commission.
Last month Pour-Mohammadi was replaced by Alireza Avaie. He filled a similar role on the death commission in Khuzestan Province, the same province in which a mass grave is being destroyed.
A few days after the replacement, upon an order by Ali Khamenei, Pour-Mohammadi was appointed as an advisor to head of the Iranian regime’s judiciary Sadegh Larijani.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/09/iran_is_bulldozing_the_mass_grave_from_the_mullahs_1988_massacre.html#ixzz4sNgJHHSg
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الاثنين، 28 أغسطس 2017


INU - On the 29th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in Iran, and the first anniversary of the Movement Calling for Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre, a ceremony was held at one of the PMOI/MEK headquarters in Tirana, capital of Albania, on Saturday, August 19, 2017.
Many dignitaries and Human Right activists attended and addressed the ceremony. The included, the daughter of the late Senator Robert Kennedy and President of Robert Kennedy Human Rights Foundation, Ms. Kerry Kennedy, along with Mr. Mariano Rabino, member of the Foreign Affairs and Human Rights committees of the Parliament of Italy, and Senator Pietro Liuzzi, member of Cultural and EU Policy committees of the Italian Senate, as well as Ms. Ingrid Betancourt, former Senator from Columbia, and Tahar Boumedra, former director of the Human Rights Office of UNAMI.
The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, made a speech at this gathering. She laid a flower wreath at the monument commemorating the victims, and paid them respects at the end of the ceremony.
Mrs. Rajavi’s speech before the attendees of the ceremony is reproduced below:
Dear sisters and brothers, the honorable friends of the Iranian Resistance,
I salute you all.
The presence of supporters of Iranian Resistance in this gathering, which is calling for justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran, is heartwarming.
This is an extraordinary gathering. Among you here today, more than 920 have spent many years in prisons of the Shah and Khomeini. Nearly 10 percent were incarcerated under the Shah and about 90 percent under the mullahs’ regime. Some served anywhere from 5 to 10 and 12, 13, 15 and even 17 years.
In 2009, the Iranian Resistance’s Leader Massoud Rajavi said that the names of all of you, who were in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, at the time, had been sent to all relevant international organizations.
The renowned American law professor Alan Dershowitz, once described the residents of Ashraf as “the largest concentration of witnesses” to the crimes of the Iranian regime in the world and urged the international community to protect these witnesses.
Hail to each and every one of you!
Every freedom-loving Iranian pays respects to the martyred heroes of the 1988 massacre and honors their memory. The highest and most precious commemoration, however, is what you did by reaching Ashraf from the regime’s torture chambers amid the many mass killings. You bore the scars and the wounds of torture on your bodies, but could not be stopped. You suffered greatly under the regime’s blockade in Ashraf and Liberty and persevered despite your injured bodies.
You recounted the innocence of the victims, conveyed their defiance of surrender and their message to everyone.
Indeed, what could be a more effective and appropriate commemoration for those martyrs than what you did?
Time and again, I have heard you speak of the valiant Mojahdein prisoners who hailed Massoud Rajavi when facing the torturers and executioners. They called out his name while bidding farewell when taken to the gallows.
By repeating this forbidden name, they wanted to not only express their love and faith in Massoud but to send a message to every one of us.
Their message was to Mojahedin who were continuing their path, to the generation that would follow them and to the youths who would be hearing their unfinished story. And that message was: to follow Massoud Rajavi’s path and ideal, the path of paying the price of freedom, the path of the unrelenting struggle for equality, and the path to fight for a society devoid of oppression, discrimination, ignorance, and duplicity.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Khomeini issued the fatwa for this horrific massacre. In those days, in response to the objections of Hossein Ali Montazeri, his heir apparent at the time, he wrote, "The religious responsibility of this decree lies with me” and stated his wish for the annihilation of the PMOI/MEK.
But now, history has damned Khomeini and the Mojahedin are the flames of hope, inspiring freedom.
September 6 will mark the 52nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. Our founders founded this organization to bring freedom and eradicate all forms of oppression. To do so, they sacrificed their lives.
They taught their comrades in arm to be the harbingers of new values and lead the way. They also taught us the secret, which is to be truthful and willing to sacrifice.
The PMOI members massacred in 1988 were faithful to this same teaching. They persevered on their stance in the fight against the ruling religious tyranny. They thus founded a tradition which was later called, “standing by one’s ideal.”
Indeed, our movement has survived and thrived because it has stood by its ideal to liberate the people of Iran.
Iran’s future and the Iranian people’s freedom will be achieved by standing by one’s ideal, namely keeping aloft the flag and paying the price of overthrowing the mullahs’ reactionary Caliphate.

So, in the memory of those massacred heroes, let us recall some of their final words and messages.
Daryoush Rezaii, born in Mahidasht in Kermanshah, wrote in a poem for freedom:

“O’ freedom! Neither you thirst for blood, nor do we want to shed our own blood. How unfortunate that the evil executioners have drenched the path between us in blood.”
And these are the words of a brave PMOI woman, Zahra Bijanyar, who had been imprisoned for years in Ghezel Hessar Prison, to her relatives:
“I have realized that even if the oppressors mutilate our bodies they cannot take our lives so long as we remain steadfast in our beliefs. They can take our lives only when we sell out our faith and hearts. This is the secret to resistance and sacrifice in the history of mankind. Pray to God to bestow me faith and belief so that I would never put that which I desire before His.”
And Ahmad Ra’ouf, from Rasht, said, “They kept beating me all the time and asking me my name. I knew that they knew my name, but I did not tell them anything. I wanted to test myself and see how steel become stained steel.”
Now, let us flash back 29 years, to a scene in the city of Gatchsaran in southern Iran. The body of a young girl was hanging in the city’s main square. It was Massoumeh Barzandeh who was only 20 at the time of her execution. A sign on her clothes said: “She had been a PMOI recruiter.”
Massoumeh rose to the Heavens, but she continues to recruit young people for the PMOI. And today, 29 years on, Amnesty International writes in its report that “younger human rights defenders born after the 1979 Revolution” are targeted for “seeking the truth and justice” for the victims of the massacres in the 1980s.
And finally, I want to pay homage to Monireh Rajavi.
Throughout her detention, she cared for all her cellmates. She was a selfless and emancipated woman. Let us not forget the words she said to her cellmates in prison: “They want to kill our humanity and this is what we must fight against. We must show our affection toward each other more than ever.”
Let us applaud for one minute for all these heroes and heroines.
Dear sisters and brothers, honorable friends,
The Campaign Calling for Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre has expanded over the past year both in Iran and abroad. In response, the clerical regime undertook enormous effort to neutralize this movement. But it has failed miserably.
The mullahs were forced to retreat from their policy of hiding the 1988 massacre. The conspiracy of silence was shattered. The regime’s officials tried to justify this horrendous crime but they could not convince even many of their own clerics to defend the fatwa issued by Khomeini.
Indeed, the prospect of the regime’s overthrow stymied the regime’s supporters and allies. In contrast, many spoke out in defense of the PMOI/MEK. Many opened their eyes and saw the righteousness of the PMOI’s path and ideal such that throughout the past year, the mullahs repeatedly said and wrote that the PMOI/MEK had been vindicated in society.
This was yet another major defeat for the mullahs’ theocratic regime.
After the sham presidential election, when offering an assessment of the state of the regime, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s said the place of victims and executioners had been switched.
Yes, we managed to overcome the regime’s official propaganda.
Everyone saw that Khamenei had made a major political investment in Ebrahim Raisi, a member of the Death Commission in the 1988 massacre, to become president. But he was defeated by the Call for Justice movement.
The 1988 massacre is the hallmark of the mullahs’ religious dictatorship. In his first term, Hassan Rouhani appointed Mostafa Pour Mohammadi, a member of the Death Commission, as his Justice Minister. Now, in his second term, he has nominated as Minister of Justice another perpetrator of the massacre in Khuzistan Province. The European Union has already designated and sanctioned this man, Alireza Avayi, for being directly involved in violations of human rights. In reality, none of the regime’s factions can or want to distance themselves from this crime.
For this reason, in the past year, a number of the regime’s most disgraced murderers tried to justify the massacre in the face of the Call for Justice movement. These admissions are among the most important documents incriminating the regime’s leaders. They once again proved that it is the Iranian people’s inalienable right to overthrow the regime.
That you have compelled them to make such admissions represents one of the achievements of the Call for Justice movement over the past year. These confessions are particularly important because they have been made recently and can therefore provide a solid basis for an international commission of inquiry into the 1988 massacre.
At the same time, it is essential that the UN Security Council refer this case to the International Criminal Court to arrange for the prosecution of the regime’s leaders and those responsible for the massacre.
How the international community approaches this genocide and this crime against humanity is a litmus test of its adherence to the principles of human rights. As Massoud Rajavi said years ago, the prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators and masterminds of the 1988 massacre are the inalienable rights of human society, the people of Iran, and the PMOI/MEK.
Owing to the valuable year-round activities of the Resistance’s network inside Iran, today, we have ample evidence and documents. They include many names of the victims, the names of 112members of the Death Commission in Tehran and other provinces, nearly all of whom hold key positions in the regime. We also have the names and particulars of 213 criminals who carried out the death decrees in 35 cities as well as the information about the locations of several mass graves that had been previously hidden.
The PMOI Investigative Unit has recently acquired the names of hundreds of victims of the massacre in 1988 from inside the country. Each of these names has been thoroughly examined and verified, and their files have been completed. Accordingly, today, we announce the names of 426 members of the PMOI massacred in 1988, but whose names had not been announced previously.
Also, the new edition of the book titled, Crime Against Humanity, has been published in English. It contains the names and particulars of more than 5,000 PMOI martyrs as well as the pictures of hundreds of victims and their graves.
This book is presented to the people of Iran on the eve of the 52nd anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.
The work by the PMOI Investigative Unit is continuing and the names and particulars of many other martyrs are being investigated. Once completed they will be made public.
Here, I would like to call on my fellow compatriots help us in finding new names, pictures and particulars of the martyrs.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to my countrymen and women, particularly the supporters of the PMOI/MEK inside Iran, for their endeavors in the collection of the new names.
Indeed, this tremendous dossier must be made public line by line. It must be made clear what happened in the prisons of Ahwaz, Mashhad, Tabriz, Shiraz, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Qom, and other cities.
Since the first days of this massacre, the regime started to arrest and subsequently execute many supporters of the PMOI/MEK and former political prisoners who were not in prison. It must be determined who were the ones arrested and executed and what happened in the summary trials in western Iran?
At the time, the courts dealing with crimes committed at the war fronts were given a different mission and placed at the service of the regime’s killing machine. Ali Razini, presently a Supreme Court official, and Salimi, a former member of the Guardian Council, are among those who held the summary trials and ordered the execution of several groups of residents in cities in western Iran. They executed youngsters who had assisted the National Liberation Army of Iran. The ruling mullahs, however, have not published any information on those murders and the so-called trials.
Over the past 29 years, we have repeatedly insisted that information on these incidents must be made public.
In 1995, the regime had to agree to a visit by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, Professor Maurice Capithorne.
In a telegram on February 9, 1996, on the eve of Capithorne’s visit, Massoud Rajavi raised 15 important questions:
How many prisoners has the clerical regime executed so far and how many of them lost their lives under torture?
How many were executed during the massacre of political prisoners in summer and fall 1988, to which even Mr. Hossein-Ali Montazeri, then-Khomeini’s designated successor protested?
Where were the bodies of those executed buried? Are their families and relatives still not informed of their places of burial and are they not authorized to visit the graves of their loved ones?
And where are the mass graves? How many victims are buried there and what are their names?
Yes, we will not relent until each and every one of these cases are opened and until everyone involved in this crime against humanity is put on trial before the people of Iran.
Dear sisters and brothers,
The regime that shed the blood of Iran’s most valiant children, subsequently sanctioned every other crime by violating all ethical and humanitarian principles.
Today, the Call for Justice Movement has shaken the clerical regime to its foundations and is focusing on all of the mullahs’ crimes and treacheries, including:
The mass executions of the 1980s;
The massacres in the Kurdistan of Iran;
The forced dispatch of thousands of teenagers to the minefields during the war with Iraq and other war crimes;
The chain murders of dissident intellectuals;
The assassinations of hundreds of opponents abroad;
The bloody crackdown on the uprising in Qazvin;
The crackdown on the 2009 uprising and the atrocities which took place in Kahrizak Prison;
The systematic assaults on women in prisons;
The mutilation of Christian priests;
The repeated slaughter of our Arab compatriots in Khuzistan;
The bombing of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza;
The terrorist operations against other countries, including in Mecca, Saudi Arabia;
And the dossiers of seven bloodbaths at camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq, especially the massacre of 52 PMOI members on September 1, 2013.
These 13 dossiers, are some of the most important crimes that the regime has perpetrated.
The more the Call for Justice Movement advances, the more these dossiers are brought out of darkness.
The Call for Justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre is a national issue and an indispensable part of the Iranian people’s noble campaign to overthrow the clerical regime.
This campaign seeks to expand the resistance and the battle to bring down the religious tyrannical regime in Iran and establish freedom, democracy, and equality for all citizens.
We salute all those who have risen against the clerical regime. From here, we send our greetings to the political prisoners in Iran, especially those who are presently on hunger strike in Gohardasht Prison. We hail all of them for their determination and resistance.
I am confident that the religious dictatorship ruling Iran will be overthrown by the Iranian people’s uprising and resistance, and with their Army of Freedom and 1,000 bastions of rebellion.
The sacrifices made by our martyrs continue to open the way and guarantee our people’s victory.
God bless you all.

الأحد، 27 أغسطس 2017

Vast protests, deplorable conditions of women nurses in Iran

The situation of nurses' employment and occupation in Iran merits attention.
According to the latest figures compiled on the number of protests taking place in Iran, an average of 20 protests take place in Iran every day. One of the sectors constantly staging protests are the nurses. Despite their heavy-duty involving a lot of work, pressure and harms, the majority of nurses in Iran do not have official employment. They work on temporary contracts. They are offered a small salary and even that small salary is not regularly paid.
The latest protest by nurses was in Boushehr on August 24, 2017, where they protested non-payment of eight months of their past due salaries. Women nurses in Semnan also staged protests on July 16 and 17, 2017, outside the Governor's Office in this city to demand 11 months of past due salaries. The nurses and staff of one of the hospitals in Yasouj also staged a protest on May 30, 2017, demanding six months of non-paid salary. Similar protests have been staged all across the country throughout the year.
The Vice-President of the Nursing Organization had to acknowledge that while nurses are forced to work overtime, their overtime fees had not been paid for between six to ten months.
Nurses are not paid while regime officials have admitted that in the past 1.5 years, at least 16 educated nurses between 25 and 45 years of age have died at their workplace due to pressure caused by working different shifts, leading to heart stroke and other fatal problems.
Five months earlier, the same official announced that 10 nurses had died at work. This means that in only five months, six nurses have died at the workplace due to pressure at work. It should be noted that the figures officially announced by Iranian officials have to be considered to be the minimum.
One of the vice-presidents of the Nursing Organization, Dr. Jaleh Ezzati, admitted that there is a shortage of nurses in hospitals. She said, “In Iran, every 15 patients have one nurse, while by the international standards every nurse has to attend to one or maximum of four patients.”
Another official acknowledged shortage of 100,000 nurses in the country.

According to some reports, there are at least 11,000 unemployed nurses in Iran. The President of the Nursing Organization has admitted that some 40,000 unemployed nurses have registered at the organization’s website who are not willing to continue their work due to lack of job security. The official pointed out that there is an increasing absence of government support for nurses, and they have to endure tremendous pressure at work while receiving small salaries.
The Vice-President of the Nursing Organization has also indicated that there is a wide gap in the salaries of nurses and doctors. “The difference in the salaries of a nurse and a doctor in 99 per cent of countries, is three folds at most. In Iran, however, the difference is 100 folds. We have even had payrolls that are 500 times greater than those of nurses.”
At the same time, the number of graduates of nursing is not small, but there are many who do not get employment licenses after graduation. This is why many nurses decide to migrate despite rampant shortage of nurses in the country.
Nevertheless, we see that instead of compensating for the shortage of nurses in hospitals, official employment of educated nurses, eliminating the wide gap between doctors and nurses’ salaries, paying benefits for harmful jobs, and issuing license for the employment of educated nurses, the Ministry of Health has offered a plan according to which hospitals with sufficient facilities are allowed to train nurses. The plan of the Ministry of Health for training nurses in the hospitals was first announced two years ago. On May 13, 2017, the ministry renewed the directive on this plan.
Instead of making nurses’ employment official to resolve the critical shortage of nurses in hospitals, the Health Ministry seeks to take advantage of untrained graduates as cheap labor forces, activists of the nursing community say. They say that thousands of nurses are working on unofficial contracts despite years of experience in this field and the Health Ministry plan will jeopardize their job security.
In addition, some experts believe that the plan will take back the nursing profession 50 years.

Iran’s nursing community staged nationwide protests on August 6, 2017, against the Health Ministry’s plan. The protesters in Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahwaz, Bojnourd, and Hormuzgan called for termination of the plan which pursues to train nurses in hospitals against all academic standards. They said they will continue their protests until they reach their demands.
On the sideline of nurses’ conditions, the employment of nurses’ aides must also be noted. Presently, some 10,000 trained nurse’s aides have not been recruited and their employment remains undecided. They have high school diplomas and have paid 4 million toumans to do the year-long training course.
While the United Nations and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) has concentrated their 2017 agenda on elimination of discrimination against women’s economic, equal pay for equal work, closing the gap in participation in the job market, decent work for every woman, etc., the deplorable conditions of women nurses in Iran is cause for great concern and merits attention and solidarity on the part of the international community

الاثنين، 21 أغسطس 2017

الدماء المسفوكة نتيجة فتاوى الخميني

عبدالرحمن مهابادي: كاتب ومحلل سياسي
سجلت ذاكرة تاريخ إيران أنه في العصر الحاضر وطيلة حكم دكتاتورية محمد رضا شاه بهلوي الذي واجه عدة مرات انتفاضة قام بها الشعب الإيراني وكان آخرها 12/شباط-فبراير 1979والذي أدّى إلى القضاء على النظام، لم يصدر خميني أي فتوى للجهاد ضد نظام الشاه، إذ كان له مواقف مشتركة كثيرة في عدة نقاط معها سيما في حقوق النساء بل كان خلافه مع الشاه بسبب تمهيده لرعاية بعض الحقوق للنساء !!
فعليه عندما اغتصب دفة الحكم نتيجة سرقة ثورة الشعب الإيراني والإمدادت الغيبية ! ما فتئ أن بدأ بتشغيل ماكنة الفتاوى اللاإنسانية ضد الشعب لإكمال الجرائم التي لم ينجح الشاه خلال حكمه من ارتكابها بمختلف الأسباب وأولها صدور الفتوى ضد الأحرار وعلى رأسهم مجاهدي خلق وبالتالي على الشعب الكردي المضطهد في كردستان إيران حيث تستمر هذه الجرائم يومياً من قبل عناصر نظامه وتحت غطاء الإسلام والإصلاح والاعتدال بلاوقفة حتى يوم واحد.
كان يتوقع جميع أبناء الشعب الإيراني لينالوا حقوقهم المغتصبة بعد الإطاحة بنظام محمد رضا شاه بهلوي وبالأحرى الحريات ، لكن وبما أن بنيان نظام الخميني مبني على طرد الحريات وحقوق الشعب والذي أرغمه عليهم ، بدأ بإصدار الفتاوى المتتالية ليجعل ممارسات القمع وارتكاب المجازر في إطار ممنهج وقانوني كما شكل على ضوئها المؤسسات التي تتطلب تبريرها بالذات وبالأحرى المتبنية على اعتماد سياسة التفريق بين مختلف شرائح الشعب مثل الشيعة والسنة والعرب والعجم والمسلم والكافر والموحد والعلماني وما شابه ذلك لخلق الصراعات بينهم والاصطياد من الماء العكر في الداخل من جهة وإشعال فتيل الحرب اللاوطنية ضد الجيران من جهة أخرى ليبرر بها في قمع الحريات وعدم تلبية مطاليب الشعب .
وفي هذا النمط كان ينوي الخميني منذ البداية قمع المعارضين فرداً فرداً سيما مجاهدي خلق حتى آخر نفر وأبسط الأعضاء والأنصار، كما أيد هذه الحقيقة أخيراً الملا علي فلاحيان وزير مخابراته المجرم وأذعن به في تلفزيون النظام كما اعترف بأنه وحسب فتوى الخميني يجب إعدام جميع أعضاء مجاهدي خلق حتى الذي يوزع جريدتهم أو من يشتري لهم خبراً أو أبسط أفرادهم فما بالك في بقية أعضائهم .
نعم ، إن اعتراف هذا الوزير المجرم بجرائم هذا النظام وقبل كل شيئ نتيجة إعلان حراك المقاضاة وتطوره لمقاضاة متورطي سفك دماء شهداء وعلى رأسه ارتكاب مجزرة صيف عام1988 حيث أفشل هندسة انجاح إبراهيم رئيسي لإبرازه في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة من جهة ووضع نظام الملالي أمام أكبرتحد لا مفرله حتى آخر خطوات لإحالة خامنئي وأزلامه للمثول أمام العدالة لمقاضاتهم خاصة لارتكاب مجزرة عام 1988والتي تعتبر أكبر جريمة ضد الإنسانية بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى .
نعم وكان باستغلال نفس الفلسفة اللا إسلامية واللا إنسانية  تمكن الخميني استغلال عواطف الناس المذهبية واتهام الشعب الكردي بالانقسام والتجزئة أصدر فتوى يوم 19/آغسطس –آب 1979 أي بعد 6أشهر من سقوط الدكتاتورية السابقة أعلن حرباً شاملةً تحت شعار ” الجهاد على الكفار“ على الشعب الكردي وبالتالي أرسل عددا من الجلادين والسفاكين وعلى رأسهم الملا صادق خلخالي إلى محافظة كردستان حيث أقاموا فرق الموت بشنق الأهالي المساكين في عدد من القرى في جميع نقاط كردستان إضافة إلى ارتكاب المجازر وتشكيل المحاكم الصحراوية التي لا تطول أكثر من دقيقتين أو ثلاث دقائق وبالتالي شنق الأهالي أو رميهم بالرصاص… فويل للقاسية قلوبهم ..
نعم وقد سبق أن أعلن الخميني قبل يوم من هذه الجرائم في قم بأنه “ لو كنا نقوم بنصب أعمدة الشنق في ساحات المدن، ونقوم بإغلاق أصحاب الصحف المنحرفة (حسب تعبيره)بالقوة  ونقود أصحاب القلم منهم إلى غياهب السجون لما حدثت هذا الأحداث والوقائع…(جريدة كيهان 18/آغسطس –آب 1979).
وبهذا جاء على السلطة هذا النظام وكأي نظام استبدادي آخر الذي لا يرى بقائه إلا في قمع أي صرخة تحررية من الشعب فبدأ منذ البداية عداوته على الشعب الإيراني وبضمنه الشعب الكردي ومطالبهم العادلة كما تجاوزت خلال الأعوام التالية الحدود الإيرانية دعماً من المستبدين مثل نوري المالكي في العراق وبشار الأسد في سوريا ودعم وإسناد الجماعات الإرهابية مثل ” حزب الله “ والحوثيين و… ليتحول إلى التهديد الرئيس للمجتمع البشري في القرن المعاصر .
إن تطور واتساع نطاق حراك المقاضاة سيما خلال العام المنصرم خير دليل على بداية نهاية نظام بُني على الإعدام وارتكاب المجازروقمع الحريات. نظام لم يستطع جميع الأجهزة الحقوقيه والإنسانية وجميع الإدانات السنوية لكافة المؤسسات الإنسانية التابعة للأمم المتحدة عاجزة من إيقاف ماكنة القتل والمجازر لهذا النظام منذ صيف 1979في ارتكاب المجازر ضد الشعب الكردي المضطهد وارتكاب مجزرة عام 1988 ضد 30ألفاً من السجناء السياسيين حسب فتوى الخميني حتى صيف 2017بمواصلة الإعدامات والتعذيب والقتل والنهب ..
نعم ، حان الوقت لإحالة ملف جرائم هذا النظام حسب فتاوى الخميني اللاإنسانية و منفذيها وهم ضمن أعلى سلطات هذا النظام وفي أعلى مناصبه إلى المراجع الدولية لإجراء التحقيقات اللازمة حولها وتقديم متورطي هذه الجرائم أمام العدالة . لاشك أن هذا سيؤدي إلى حل جذري لأزمات المنطقة ويعتبر خطوة كبيرة تجاه استئصال هذه العصابات والجماعات الإرهابية في المنطقة برمتها .

ماذا يفعل النظام الإيراني في العراق؟

تم التحديث:  11:18 03/11/2017 AST مشاركة تغريدة Email تعليق الحرس الإيراني بقناع الحشد الشع...