الجمعة، 30 يونيو 2017

قمع النساء بذريعة «سوء التحجب» التي اختلقها الملالي

أخذ نظام الملالي خطوة جديدة لقمع النساء تحت عنوان إقامة دورة تدريبية للمتهمات بتهمة «سوء التحجب» التي اختلقها الملالي.
وكتبت الوكالات الحكومية يوم الأربعاء 28حزيران /يونيو 2017 نقلا عن مايسمى بـ مديرالوقاية عن وقوع الجريمة للعدلية في محافظة فارس تقول: اولئك الذين يتم القاء القبض عليهن يتم تقديمهن لدائرة الوقاية عن الجريمة بدلا من تقديمهن إلى المحكمة  حيث يشاركن في دورة تدريبية لمدة 8ساعات.
كما أعلن المدعي العام المجرم في مدينة ساري يوم 27حزيران/يونيو2017 عن توقيف سيارة نساء تكشف الحجاب ويتم تشكيل ملف قضائي للمرأة يسجل عليها كشف الحجاب.

القضاء الاميركي يصادر بناء في نيويورك تملكه النظام الإيراني بشكل غير مباشر

أصدرت محكمة فدرالية اميركية في نيويورك الخميس حكما قضى بمصادرة بناء من 36 طابقا في الجادة الخامسة الفارهة في مانهاتن بعدما اعتبرته تابعا بشكل غير مباشر للسلطات الايرانية، لتؤكد بذلك حكما سابقا صدر عام 2013.
وقال جون كيم المتحدث باسم النائب الفدرالي العام في القطاع الجنوبي لولاية نيويورك ان البناء سيباع ويعود ثمنه الى صندوق خاص للتعويض عن ضحايا اعتداءات.
وتقدر قيمة البناء بين 500 مليون ومليار دولار، بحسب مصادر عدة. كما امرت المحكمة بمصادرة املاك أخرى، كما اضاف المتحدث.
وبحسب أوساط النائب العام فان هذه المصادرة بناء على حكم من القضاء المدني هي الاضخم في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة.
وكان حكم اول صدر في هذه القضية في 2013 عن محكمة الدرجة الاولى لمصلحة الجهة المدعية وهي الحكومة الاميركية، لكن الدفاع استأنف الحكم يومها.
ومن بين الذين سيستفيدون من مصادرة هذا البناء، ذوي الضحايا او الضحايا الذين سقطوا في تفجير مقر للمارينز في بيروت عام 1983 وضحايا اميركيين سقطوا في اعتداء وقع في الخبر في السعودية عام 1996.
وقالت المحكمة في حيثيات قرارها ان اصحاب البناء الذي باشر بناءه شاه ايران، حولوا ملايين الدولارات من استغلال هذا البرج الى ايران خصوصا عبر مصرف 'ملي' المرتبط بالحكومة الايرانية.
وقال النائب العام جون كيم في بيان صدر الخميس ان 'اصحاب البناء رقم 650 في الجادة الخامسة قدموا للحكومة الايرانية بناء في قلب منهاتن تمكنت من خلاله من الالتفاف على العقوبات التي تفرضها الولايات المتحدة على ايران'.

مستشار الأمن القومي لترامب: 80 بالمئة من القوات المساندة لبشار الأسد في سوريا يتم تنظيمهم من قبل النظام الايراني

قال الجنرال مك مستر مستشار الأمن القومي لترامب: جزء كبير من القوات المساندة لبشار الأسد في سوريا، هم ميليشيات منظمة من قبل طهران. انه اتهم النظام الايراني باثارة دوامة من الصراعات الطائفية بهدف ابقاء العالم العربي ضعيفا. 
وأضاف مك مستر يوم 28 حزيران خلال مؤتمر عقد في مركز الأمن الأمريكي الحديث : طهران تتحمل المسؤولية عن جزء كبير من المشكلات في سوريا وأكد ان السبب الرئيسي لتواجد أمريكا في سوريا هو القضاء على داعش.

رسالة دعم رئيس اللجنة الخارجية للكونغرس الأمريكي للمؤتمرالسنوي العام #للمقاومة_الايرانية #FreeIran #Maryam_Rajavi #Iran #Paris #السعوديه

رسالة دعم رئيس اللجنة الخارجية للكونغرس الأمريكي للمؤتمرالسنوي العام #للمقاومة_الايرانية #FreeIran #Maryam_Rajavi #Iran #Paris #السعوديه


INU - On June 17, 14 years ago, the French anti-terror police raided offices of the Iranian main opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its principle member, the Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK, near Paris. Hundreds were arrested and building were torn down.
The expressed explanation for the drastic measure was “terrorism”. It turned out, they found nothing but a group of unarmed exiles and political refugees whom their only crime was trying to expose a tyrannical theocratic regime that ruled their country for decades.
It was further revealed that the then government of France had entered a shameful deal with the terrorist regime ruling Iran to raid the offices of its democratic opposition in return for more trade contracts.

The MEK was ultimately cleared of all charges, with the investigating judge reaching the conclusion that MEK has been engaged in a legitimate struggle against repression.
The MEK was vindicated but left an eternal shame for those who were engaged in sacrificing France’s reputation as the cradle for human rights for a few commercial deals with a terrorist regime.
Nowadays, the Iranian mullahs’ regime is being recognized as the source and main supporter of terrorism around the world and specifically in the Middle East.
The MEK Struggle
For over three decades the MEK and its supporters have been struggling to bring freedom and democracy to Iran.
The MEK members have been the pioneers in the struggle to realize the desire of the Iranian people to end the mullahs’ dictatorship in their country and replace it with a democratic government.
World governments increasingly come to realize the result of what is now known as the “rapprochement policy” towards the Iranian mullahs.
The carnage in Syria and crimes against humanity committed by Bashar Assad and the Iranian regime is one example of the outcome of the policy of appeasement.
Today, the MEK is increasingly gaining ground as a legitimate and strong solution and alternative to the Iranian rulers.
The MEK message is that the world no longer has to put up with a government that supports terrorism and threatens other nations by building nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles.
Today, the MEK constitutes a strong force in the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy and freedom. That is so while over 100,000 members and sympathizers of the MEK have been executed by the clerical regime during the past four decades.
The MEK has called on world governments to stand with the Iranian people’s desire to end mullahs’ regime and bring peace and stability to the region.
The MEK’s network in Iran has in recent months extensively increased its activities inside Iran. A major movement for seeking justice for victims of mass executions by the Iranian regime has formed in Iran. In particular the movement is seeking justice for victims of 1988 massacre of political prisoners, most of whom were members and supporters of the MEK.
The strength of the movement in support of the MEK has sent shockwaves through the Iranian regime. Almost every day state run media are writing about the MEK in a futile attempt to demonize the MEK.
The mullahs are using the same method, disinformation, by their lobbyist or agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) to demonize the MEK in order to confront growing recognition of the MEK as a leading democratic force for change in Iran.
MEK And Europe
A large number of members of the MEK, were moved to Europe last year, mostly to Albania under the direct supervision of the United Nations.
According to Albanian media since the relocation to Albania, many American and European dignitaries and representatives have paid visits to the group, expressing their support for the MEK and its cause.
To name a few, US senator John McCain, Ambassador John Bolton, Gilbert Mitterrand, a French parliamentary delegation, as well as Members of European Parliament visited the MEK members at their new home in Tirana just recently in 2017.
Every year around this time, the Iranian diaspora supporting the democratic coalition of National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in which the MEK is a member organization, holds a large gathering in Paris, France as the annual gathering of Iranians seeking freedom and democracy in their homeland.
The Beginning Of Resistance
The month of June also marks the beginning of the massive, all out, crackdown on the Iranian opposition some thirty six years ago.
On June 21, 1981 the regime then Supreme leader called on the notorious Revolutionary Guards to open fire on the peaceful demonstration organized by the MEK.
A massive crackdown and execution rampage that was staged by the mullahs soon after, forced many Iranians including the MEK and its supporters into exile. That was the start of the resistance movement which is today recognized as the main opposition to the Iranian regime.
Paris Rally: The Call For Regime Change In Iran
In recent years, the Rally held in Paris, brings in tens of thousands of supporters to France calling for regime change in Iran and the establishment of a non-religious and elected government in that country.
Many world-recognized dignitaries and high officials have attended the gathering in the past as they will do so this year to extend support and solidarity with the Iranian voices for freedom.
The key-note speaker of the event last year was, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance, who has led the movement during the hard years of exile.
The Rapprochement Policy
The rapprochement policy may have secured some commercial contracts for EU countries, yet it has brought nothing but more terrorism and agony for the EU citizens.
The policy has brought more executions and oppression for the Iranian people and the MEK specifically.
And the policy has resulted in no true resolution to the rogue actions of the mullahs. On the contrary, the rapprochement policy has emboldened the mullahs in taking the world hostage for political ransom.
The Iranian mullahs openly support acts of terrorism throughout the world by supporting groups such as Hezbollah. Their Revolutionary Guards corps is actively involved in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other parts of the region. The Iranian officials have openly confirmed involvement in fatal attacks on US and Western personnel in Iraq.
Just recently, 265 members of the European parliament singed a statement calling for the blacklisting of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

The statement also calls for a commission for inquiry into massacre of political prisoners in Iran. The Iranian regime went on a rampage killing over 30,000 political prisoner following the eight-year war with Iraq in the summer of 1988.
The majority of those fallen victim to the executions where members and supporters of the MEK.
MEK – Blowing The Cap Off Mullahs’ Nuclear Program
Many world parliamentarians and high-officials have recognized and commended the MEK as the original revealers of the Iranian regime’s nuclear development program - revelations that have come with great sacrifice from the part of MEK supporters inside the country.
We may never know but the MEK may have in fact saved the world from complete destruction by preventing a state-sponsor of terrorism from becoming armed with nuclear weapons.
And The Paris Rally
As the yearly rally by the Iranian opposition nears – planned for 1 July, 2017 – France will once again be at center stage of a peaceful but very significant gathering of not only Iranians but world dignitaries who care deeply about peace and security in the Middle East and the world over.
This is a gathering against extremism and advocating tolerance.
In this respect, MEK is the political force, which rejects extremism under the name of religion, advocates gender equality and separation of religion and state and in short advocates a democratic and tolerant Islam.

European leaders including President Macron who has just formed its government after a landslide victory in the Parliamentary election are expected to stand firm vis-à-vis the extremism whether it is originated by ISIS or the mullahs’ regime who are called by Iranian people as the Godfather of the ISIS.

The world is watching European leaders at this critical juncture to stand with their principles and not some petty economic interests. History will judge them.

rand Gathering of Iranians For democracy & freedom in #Iran to end the crisis in the #MiddleEast join us 1st July

rand Gathering of Iranians For democracy & freedom in #Iran 
to end the crisis in the MiddleEast 
join us 1st July

Europe should not be deceived by Iran’s bid for sympathy

Former European Parliament Vice-President Alejo Vidal-Quadras warns that the West must be vigilant not to fall for Iranian state propaganda depicting the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism as an ally in the War on Terror.

'Free Iran' Activists Report Hundreds of Acts of Defiance Inside the Country

'Free Iran' Activists Report Hundreds of Acts of Defiance Inside the Country

الأربعاء، 28 يونيو 2017

Iran's Desperate Deed Against, Increasing Popularity of MEK

London, 27 Jun - What happened 29 years ago in Iran, and why after all these years, we are witnessing a crisis and a rising conflict among rival factions in the ruling class over that in Iran?
Throughout the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the bulk of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. This year marks the 29th anniversary of that horrible Crime Against Humanity.
Last summer, an audio tape was revealed by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. On August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and thereon Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a gathering of members of the “Death Committee” that they're winding up a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on august 15, 1988. Wrote M. Hakamian in INU on June 24, 2017 and the following are excerpts of the article.
The tape sent shockwaves through Iran, as it adds new knowledge of the breadth and scope of the massacre and confirms that it involved the highest levels of leadership. For more than two decades silence has been imposed in regards to the massacre because, you see, Iranian leaders who held positions of power at that time, members of the notorious Death Commission, are still in leadership positions today.
They have never faced justice for committing this horrific crime against humanity.
Hossein-Ali Montazeri, who was consequently dismissed as the heir by Khomeini, and subsequently spent the rest of his life under house arrest, for the very remarks heard on the audio tape, tells members of the Death Commission, who include Hossein-Ali Nayyeri, the sharia judge, Morteza Eshraqi, the prosecutor, Ebrahim Raeesi, deputy prosecutor, and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, representative of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), “The greatest crime committed during the reign of the Islamic Republic, for which history will condemn us, has been committed by you. Your (names) will in the future be etched in the annals of history as criminals.” He adds, “Executing these people while there have been no new activities (by the prisoners) means that … the entire judicial system has been at fault.”

Following release of the audio tapes, the Iranian Resistance initiated a worldwide movement, and through the last ten months each within and outside Iran, have created a large momentum against the continued violation of human rights in Iran.
Regarding the recent revelations, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the audio recording as an historical document. Mrs. Rajavi said that the recording attests to the strength of the Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK) political prisoners’ rejection of surrender, to their admirable allegiance and the perseverance of their commitment to the Iranian people. She called the recording “irrefutable evidence that leaders of the mullahs are responsible for crimes against humanity and the unprecedented genocide.”
In February 2017, Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre in Iran (JVMI), revealed the main points of diverse mass graves in Iran. Page 349 of the JVMI report, “Inquiry into the 1988 mass executions in Iran”, refers to the mass grave close to the Behesht Abad burial site in Ahvaz. Then, Amnesty International revealed a point on June one, 2017 on its web site, warning that the Iranian authorities is also trying to desecrate a mass grave web site in Ahvaz, southern Asian nation in a shot to destroy important rhetorical proof, and sabotage opportunities for justice for the mass killings of political prisoners that happened across the country in 1988.
While Iranian officials attempt to counter the results of those revelations, growing sympathy for MEK members WHO were the main victims of this atrocious massacre, and increased popularity of the opposition movement have resulted, instead.
In recent months, following a report revealed by The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, regarding the power and progress of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), officials have admitted the Iranian youth has tended toward the attraction of the Mojahedin (MEK), additionally because the status of the Mojahedin at home and at the international level.
The director general of a state funded Habilian Foundation, Hashemi Nejad, stated, “We have control over 300 exhibitions against MEK| in Iran up to now. These days, MEK is getting recognized as a number one institute in defending Human Rights,” He intercalary that the duty currently, is to debate Human Rights problems against MEK since Iranian youths area unit the target of MEK. In step with Intelligence Ministry officers, an in depth analysis report against MEK, of quite 8 to 1000 words, has recently been revealed in the Habilian web site, affiliated to the Ministry.
“The Mojahedin Organization (MEK) is after… total change and removal of the Velayat-e faqih system in Iran…,” states the report.
It additionally discusses the role of MEK in exposing the Iranian’s administration secret comes to get nuclear weapons, saying, “Following exposure of the problem (nuclear weapons program), the media revealed reports during this regard and this was the start of a significant crisis that resulted within the adoption of many resolutions and sanctions with the devastating effects that area unit still continued.”
The Intelligence Ministry reminded the general public of the role of Mojahedin in the 2009 revolt, and admitted its worry of uprisings and revolts being tied to the nationwide resistance and to the Mojahedin, and wrote, “Mojahedin (MEK)… were still searching for a chance to strike the Islamic Republic of Iran, till the beginning of 2009 elections followed by the road riots, the cluster appropriated the chance and issued statements and messages to preparethe bottom for achieving their goals… one among the goals (of the MEK) in 2009 election was to get rid of Velayat-e faqih and change the regime.”
The Mojahedin’s advancement in the international arena was additionally noted, “…In addition, members of the (MEK) organization hold conferences in France from time to time… in the recent years, the Mojahedin organization has control campaign and conferences in each international events and communities, together with the United Nations, against the country and also the system.”
The report complete by describing the strategies to confront the MEK, such as, “Introducing and totally distinctive the (MEK) organization (i.e. which means distorting the image of the organization)… to stop, during this means, individuals and new members from connection the organization which might result in exaggerated injury to the system,” and intercalary, “Strengthening the borders and increasing the country’s defense power: By this action, we will} stop entry of the MEK members into the country… and then we are going to be able to avert and keep off the enemies of the system outside the borders.”

These confessions seem to indicate the facility, with reference to social additionally as standard standing, of the foreign terrorist organization and NCRI area unit welcome by the Iranian youth.
After the Mullahs were unable the failure to destroy the MEK by blockade and missile attacks, and also the Mojahedin were able to maintain the integrity of their organization and transfer themselves to a secure place, the regime is frightened, and that they try to frighten the Iranian individuals with warnings regarding the danger of Mojahedin.
In another report, revealed in Habilian web site, the Intelligence Ministry expressed that intellectual (thought) danger of unarmed MEK is far quite the threat of armed MEK.
In an interview with Vatan Emrouz, september four, 2016, the Secretary General of the Habilian establishment, that could be a branch of the Intelligence Ministry, mohammad Javad Hashemi Nejad, had previously warned regarding the danger of the MEK revelations, stating, “Mojahedin within the areas of human rights and connectedproblems are present within the European Parliament and within the U.S. and any places wherever there's opposition to the system …MEK could be a dangerous force…”
This sense of danger is also attributed to the actual fact that the surge in power of the MEK has coincided with the divisiveness inside the Velayat-e faqih system, additionally because the unrest, within the type of immensely increasing protests and demonstrations, in Iranian society.
The assistance to the West by the foreign terrorist organization had power-assisted the West in revealing Iran’s secret nuclear missiles programme was additionally highlighted. to prevent the youth from connection the foreign terrorist organization, the Regime makes an attempt to gift a twisted read of the Resistance Forces, that is that the reason behind the exhibitions and flicks like “Magaraye Nimroz”, a movie by state run media, on screen currently.
However, within the thick of the info and exaggeration close it, a political analyst attacked the film. Sadegh Zibakalam, a social science faculty member at Teheran State University, associate degreed an associate of former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, WHO was additionally answerable for dispatching of university students to war with Iraq throughout 80’s, criticized the film. He said, “The events during this picture show don't seem to be reciting the truth of what is going on between the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and MEK therein era, we tend toarea unit condemnatory MEK, however haven't asked why MEK fought back? As if they did it for no reason! This film is attempting to imply that IRGC agents were kind and caring for humanity, (this isn't true) we tend to killed thousands of MEK members with none trials, similar to the killers of imaum Hossain (a seventh century revolutionary Muslim leader WHO created the last word sacrifice for social justice within the face of corruption and tyranny).” Zibakalam’s confession clearly shows the impotency of such desperate moves to alter the MEK.
In their recap of the report, The National Council of Resistance of Asian nation (NCRI) wrote, “The truth is that once the Mullahs were unable to destroy the MEK by cold-blooded blockade and missile attacks, and Mojahedin were able to maintain the integrity of their organization and transfer themselves to a secure place, the Mullahs area unit frightened currently. that's why the mullahs often yowl and whimper regarding the danger of MEK.”
“This worry and sense of danger is especially attributable to the actual fact that the power and cohesion of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran has coincided on the one hand with the weakness and supreme decay of the Velayat-e faqih system and also the crises engulfing the upper class, and on the opposite hand by the actual fact that Iran’s society is on the verge of explosion and prepared for insurrection and revolution and is just looking ahead to a spark,” they wrote.

Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran

On July 1, the Iranian opposition will be holding its annual rally to give voice to the Iranian people and their popular resistance movement and to reiterate the call for regime change in Iran. This is, of course, a message reflecting the true desire of the Iranian people and is widely endorsed by policymakers around the world, as evidenced by the hundreds of dignitaries who will attend the event.
The “Free Iran” rally has significant implications for the policies being advanced around the world by persons with a clear understanding of the danger the Iranian regime poses to global security and the stability of the Middle East. This is especially important in the current historical moment, when assertive policies regarding the clerical regime in Iran are returning to the mainstream the world over.
The gathering, with the National Council of Resistance of Iran at its center, takes place at the Villepinte Exhibition Center outside of Paris, and brings together critics of the totalitarian theocracy, including those whom the regime has brutally suppressed in the past 38 years.
The NCRI represents the Iranian people who have been killed by the regime during that time, including 120,000 who were executed or assassinated simply for affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), which is now the largest constituent group in the NCRI coalition.
It also represents those people who have fled their home country in fear of suffering the same fate, and those who continue to live in Iran under religious dictatorship and support the PMOI (MEK) at great risk to themselves.
This year the gathering showcases messages from the network of MEK activists in Iran, using whatever means are at their disposal to advance the cause of regime change and the pro-democratic 10-point plan of NCRI President Maryam Rajavi.

An international audience

They have shown a remarkable uptick in their activities in their nationwide campaign. The event also gives an opportunity for former political prisoners who have recently fled the country to reach an international audience with stories of the tortures and abuses being perpetrated on a daily basis by the clerical regime.
The current trend of events has made the mood among the resistance activists more upbeat. Two years after the nuclear agreement, all the expectations for improvement on political and economic sphere have proven to be total delusion.
There are growing number of protests on economic despair of the population and Tehran’s total strategic impasse has begun to manifest itself in exacerbation of internecine internal feuding. Tehran is facing an unprecedented international and regional isolation that was abundantly clear in the Riyadh summit.
The central message of this year’s grand gathering is that regime change is a real possibility in Iran, and there are many features of the rally itself that highlight that message. First and foremost is its size, as many tens of thousands are expected to travel to Villepinte for the rally, in line with the numbers from the previous few years.
The event will be broadcast around the world, including in Iran, and has so much resonance in Iran that even political prisoners in Iran are daring to send out messages of solidarity.
The vast majority of the Iranian population is eager to receive that message, and when it does so it will see policymakers from the United States, Britain, France, and the Middle East delivering speeches in support of the Iranian Resistance and the cause of regime change by the Iranian people and their organized resistance.

The principled solution

For years the NCRI has argued that the solution for Iran is neither appeasement of the regime, nor foreign military intervention. Rather, the principled solution is to support the Iranian people and their organized opposition movement to bring about regime change.
For decades, western governments have failed to heed this call, instead choosing economic relations with the regime, while attempting to sideline the Resistance. That era has now come to an end.
The Iranian Resistance is now prepared and ready to direct all its energy on regime change in Iran. While some of Tehran’s apologists have tried to depict the new regional and international setting as Arabs versus Persians or Sunnis versus Shiites, the Iranian Resistance, as an indigenous movement with grassroot support inside and outside of Iran, renders those assertions hollow.
The US and other western powers should recognize the Resistance movement, which has the capacity to achieve change. The mullahs and lobby tried for years to conceal and dupe the world about this reality.
The definitive goal of the world should be the removal of the world’s only modern theocracy and the most active state sponsor of terrorism and stand with the Iranian people as they stand for liberty. 

MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence

For the Iranian regime, staying power means oppressing all voices that challenge their rule, particularly the human rights abuses and strict laws on everything from who you can socialize with to how you dress in public. Yet, one group has been the main focus of the regime’s efforts to suppress and undermine their voice in support of a free Iran. That group is the MEK.
When the MEK was removed from the U.S. list of terrorist groups, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijni said during his speech on June 23, “Now it’s you (the United States) who are sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful…Today, the Americans removed the MEK from their list of terrorist groups.”
News agencies, including the Fars agency under the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have revealed the concerns of the regime over what they see as a dangerous turn of events, now that Camp Liberty’s residents have been relocated to Europe. On June 20, Fars reported that the move was a reminder of (MEK’s) declaring war against the regime.
After adding a few more claims against the MEK, the article went on to reveal the regime’s fear of another uprising, such as those that occurred in July 1999 and 2009. “The group’s (MEK’s) increased activities and their efforts for creating chaos and making a creeping coup was so intense over a period of time that many thought it was over for the regime on July 9, 1999. Their coordination was even further revealed during the 2009 uprising,” said the Fars news agency.
The press in Iran is controlled by the regime and the IRGC, so it is a source of frustration that thanks to satellite television, the opposition is able to expose the regime’s activities. These include the exposing of insecure, bankrupt institutions belonging to state entities, such as the IRGC, a move aimed at informing the Iranian people.
“Some satellite channels linked to MEK have released a clip showing that Samen institution has gone bankrupt, scaring investors into rushing to Samen Bank branches,” said a regime official.
But this is nothing to the latest efforts of various families to receive justice for their loved ones killed in the 1988 massacreMEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence of political prisoners. Fearing the spread of this movement, regime leader Ali Khamenei has spoken out against this movement, which focuses on justice for those MEK members executed.
According to Khamenei, “We’ve recently been hearing some tribunes attacking regime’s records during the 80’s. I recommend those who are thoughtful not to mistake executioners for martyrs when judging the 80s events. Iranian people were oppressed at the time. Terrorists, MEK, their supporters and those who raised them and constantly blew them persecuted the Iranian people. They did bad things. The Iranian people were forced to take a defensive position.”
By Iranian people, Khamenei meant nothing more than his own ruling class of mullahs. The fact is that the 80s is the decade when 30,000 political prisoners were massacred, and the decade when pregnant women, 13-year-old girls, and 70-year-old mothers were part of those who were killed.
Following Khamenei’s speech, a rush of state-run media and other outlets launched a wave of attack and false accusations against the MEK, a move which was even further escalated a few days later following Khamenei’s fire-at-will order. These supporters of the Iranian regime called MEK the killers and that the order from Khomeini was meant to protect the country by killing anyone, including MEK members and supporters, who still stood their ground and supported the MEK.
What it boiled down to was anyone considered pro-MEK was a threat to the regime, and this was true even if they did nothing against the regime but support an alternative set of political ideals. Efforts to portray the MEK and political prisoners massacred during the 80s as executioners were significantly increased in Friday prayer events and the regime’s media following the ISIS attacks in Tehran.
While acknowledging the massacre of MEK members in 1988, Assadollah Imani said in Shiraz Friday prayer show, “if MEK had not been repressed in 1988, you were faced with such plights everyday over the past 20 years. Khomeini knew well how to deal with MEK.”
The attacks on the MEK in the media aren’t limited to just the leaders and supporters of the MEK, but are also showing the cracks within the factors of the regime itself. In Mashhad, the city’s Friday Prayer Imam Alamolhoda attacked Rouhani for the increased popularity of the MEK and the movement seeking justice for victims of the 1988 massacre.
“Today, we are faced with such a problem. To gain power and push away their rivals, they defend (MEK) so much that the supreme leader is forced to shout not to mistake executioner for martyr. Those claiming to run the regime are actually defending the MEK,” said Alamolhoda.
Others argue that the release of the Hassanali Montazeri audio tape detailing the roles of the death commissions in the 1988 massacre has benefited those groups who would like to see the end of the regime’s repressive fundamentalism.

“The audio file was released right when counter-revolutionary elements and media had prepared their same old programs against the Iranian regime to mark the anniversary of the execution of MEK members. Besides, MEK was holding a gathering in Paris at the time,” said the Judiciary’s Mizan news agency.
The publication of an audio recording of Mr. Montazeri’s meeting with four officials of the regime responsible for the 1988 massacre has sent shock waves throughout the regime.
That gathering is being held again in Paris on July 1. During this gathering, the opposition will lay out their case for a Free Iran, one that doesn’t include the fundamentalism and repression of the regime. As part of this event, speakers from various leadership bodies in the international community will show their support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of opposition movements determined to create a peaceful regime change.
The above-mentioned facts are just a handful of the whole sack of the weight, popularity, and effect of the MEK in today’s Iran. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI, has called for the formation of the movement to obtain justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre.
“This is a very important document attesting to several basic realities. First, the audio clip contains explicit confessions by those responsible for the massacre regarding their participation in an ongoing genocide. It shows that Khomeini and his entourage contravened even their own procedures and routines and were directly involved in the massacre. It also indicates that the religious tyranny solidified the foundations of the next repugnant Velayat-e-Faqih (absolute clerical rule) as a result of this genocide,” said Rajavi.
The rise of Khamenei was concocted during the massacre of political prisoners, which was orchestrated by the highest officials at the time, namely Ali Khamenei, Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Ahmad Khomeini.
Another point made by Mr. Montazeri is that Khomeini had been deliberating about the massacre starting three or four years before it actually occurred and as his son repeatedly stated, he had decided to execute all “the Mojahedin, including those who read their newspaper, to those who read the magazines, and those who read flyers.”
Khomeini feared the MEK’s deep roots in Iranian society and the movement’s strength and determination. In a letter, which he wrote a few months later to Montazeri, Khomeini explained the reason for the latter’s ouster as heir to the supreme leader, “It has now become clear that after me, you will give up this country and the dear Islamic revolution of Iran’s Muslim nation to liberals and through them to the (Mojahedin).”
The reality is that the increasing popularity of the MEK is seen by the regime as a dangerous development. All the efforts of the mullahs have been focused on pretending the events of the 1980s never happened, minimizing the crimes, or even attributing them to the MEK itself. This strategy was formulated by Khomeini himself and has continued in the decades since.
The NCRI and their supporters have called on the international community to support the people of Iran in their demand for the prosecution of the Iranian regime’s leaders. As human rights advocates and international bodies have continued to demonstrate Iran’s record of repression, this movement by the opposition to obtain justice and freedom for this country includes changing the direction of Iran’s influence in the Middle East as well. The United Nations and the UN Security Council must adopt political and legal arrangements for the international prosecution of leaders of this regime on the charge of committing crimes against humanity.
A formal international condemnation of the 1988 massacre is a necessary step towards ending all the mass executions within Iran, an episode that was recently repeated in the concurrent execution of 25 Sunni prisoners. Finally, the movement to obtain justice is a relentless campaign by our compatriots and all supporters of the Iranian Resistance for the international prosecution of Khamenei and other regime leaders for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.

البديل الديمقراطي للنظام الإيراني .. بقلم / عبدالرحمن مهابادي

في مستهل المقال نستفيد من تجربة رائعه من القديم: بعد تولي الخميني السلطة في عام1979 والذي لم يكن لديه هدف إلا فرض حكم دكتاتوري ديني على رقاب الشعب الإيراني، وقبل إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في يوم 25/كانون الثاني -يناير1980شهد المجتمع الإيراني ظهور جبهتين سياسيتين. الجبهة الحاكمة والجبهة المعارضة. ولكل جبهة جمهورها ، الجبهة الحاكمة تضم الملالي وشريحة من المجتمع حيث لا علم لهم من الإسلام المتطرف والملالي الذين كانوا يروجونه حسب رأيهم  والجبهة الأخرى تتشكل من القوى المثقفة والديمقراطية التحررية والثورية والأقليات القومية والدينية التي 
كانت تتلقى تهديدات الخميني ونظامه التي كانت قد بدأت ضدهم منذ فترة.
هذا وفي أول دورة من الانتخابات الرئاسية التفت جميع الفئات المعارضة وبغض النظر عن الفروق والاختلافات في الرأي، حول السيد مسعود رجوي ، أمين عام منظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية آنذاك ليقفوا بوجه ظاهرة تحولت لاحقاً إلى التهديد الرئيس للمنطقة برمتها والعالم. كان خميني آنذاك جالسا على أريكة السلطة الطائلة التي كان قد صادرها ، فاستشعر خميني بالتهديد من جبهة المثقفين بدرجة حيث ورغم وعوده السابقة قبل تسلمه السلطة بعدم التدخل في الانتخابات و...،لكن وفور الشعور بالخطر من فوز السيد مسعود رجوي.. أصدر أمرا باسقاطه بشتى المبررات الجوفاء وبهذا أرسى حجر الأساس مائلا منذ البداية لتأسيس نظامه الدكتاتوري الديني في إيران كما تشكل اتحاد في الجبهة المعارضة رغم اقصاء مرشحها الوحيد، وتم تسجيل انتصار كبير ضد الملالي  في ذاكرة التاريخ .. ومضت أيام بعدهذا على الجبهة المعارضة حيث شهدت خطوباتها وصعوباتها ...
وبعد قمع المظاهرات في 20حزيران 1981 والتي شارك فيها 500ألف من مجاهدي خلق ، على يد قوات الحرس وإراقة دماء الأبرياء فيها، دخلت المقاومة الإيرانية مرحلة جديدة حيث وبعد بضعة أسابيع من ارتكاب هذه المجزرة تم إعلان تأسيس المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية من قبل السيد مسعود رجوي. حيث وبعد إعلان هذا المجلس والتحاق التيارات السياسية والوطنية الإيرانية به، لاحت في الأفق السياسي في إيران أول بوادر للبديل الديمقراطي أمام الشعب الإيراني حيث أصبح هذا البديل وفي محوره منظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية أقدم وأمتن وأقوم تحالف سياسي في ساحة المعارضة الإيرانية بكل ما يتطلب من كيانات ومقومات  بالذات. حيث وفضلاً على مسؤول المجلس ومسؤولي لجانه الذين يعتبرون حكومة ظل، تم انتخاب السيدة مريم رجوي رئيسة  للجمهورية من قبل المجلس في عام 1993 حيث اعتبر هذا الانتخاب من كل الجوانب نقطة انطلاقة لتحولات جديدة لصالح مقاومة الشعب الإيراني، وكان مصدراً للدعم السياسي العالمي  فضلاً على الازدهار والتطور في كل هذه المقاومة  حيث نرى يومياً المزيد من اتساع نطاق هذاالدعم بالذات.
وبعد قمع المظاهرات في 20حزيران 1981 والتي شارك فيها 500ألف من مجاهدي خلق ، على يد قوات الحرس وإراقة دماء الأبرياء فيها، دخلت المقاومة الإيرانية مرحلة جديدة حيث وبعد بضعة أسابيع من ارتكاب هذه المجزرة تم إعلان تأسيس المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية من قبل السيد مسعود رجوي. حيث وبعد إعلان هذا المجلس والتحاق التيارات السياسية والوطنية الإيرانية به، لاحت في الأفق السياسي في إيران أول بوادر للبديل الديمقراطي أمام الشعب الإيراني حيث أصبح هذا البديل وفي محوره منظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية أقدم وأمتن وأقوم تحالف سياسي في ساحة المعارضة الإيرانية بكل ما يتطلب من كيانات ومقومات  بالذات. حيث وفضلاً على مسؤول المجلس ومسؤولي لجانه الذين يعتبرون حكومة ظل، تم انتخاب السيدة مريم رجوي رئيسة  للجمهورية من قبل المجلس في عام 1993 حيث اعتبر هذا الانتخاب من كل الجوانب نقطة انطلاقة لتحولات جديدة لصالح مقاومة الشعب الإيراني، وكان مصدراً للدعم السياسي العالمي  فضلاً على الازدهار والتطور في كل هذه المقاومة  حيث نرى يومياً المزيد من اتساع نطاق هذاالدعم بالذات.

طالب نواب أوربيون بوضع بمعاقبة الحرس الثوري الإيراني على خلفية نشاطه في العراق وسوريا.

طالب نواب أوربيون بوضع بمعاقبة الحرس الثوري الإيراني على خلفية نشاطه في العراق وسوريا.
 وقالت مصادر إعلامية إن 265 نائبًا أوروبيًا طالبوا بوضع المؤسسة العسكرية التابعة للحرس الثوري الإيراني، على القوائم السوداء الدولية، بسبب “نشاط الحرس وحضوره الفعال في سوريا والعراق”.
 وعبر النواب بالوقت ذاته، في بيان وقعوا عليه، عن “قلقهم إزاء الدور التخريبي لإيران في المنطقة”.
 كما دان البيان انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في إيران، مشيرًا إلى إعدام 3 آلاف شخص في إيران منذ تولي الرئيس حسن روحاني السلطة في الولاية الأولى التي بدأت في 2013 وحتى الـ 19 من أيار/ مايو الماضي 2017.
وأضاف أن “حسن روحاني لا يمكن اعتباره إصلاحيًا أو من التيار المعتدل، بسبب معدلات الإعدام التي جرت في الولاية الأولى من تسلمه لمنصبه”.
 ولفت إلى الانتخابات الرئاسية الإيرانية التي جرت في الـ 19 من أيار/ مايو الماضي، وفاز فيها روحاني لولاية ثانية، مشيرا إلى “ممارسة حظر على المعارضة ومنعها من المشاركة في الانتخابات، وهي انتخابات لا ينظر إليها على أنها حرة ونزيهة”.
 ودعا النواب رئيس المفوضة السامية لحقوق الإنسان والمجلس الأعلى لحقوق الإنسان، إلى “إرسال وفد للتحقيق في عمليات الإعدام في إيران”، مطالبين الحكومات الأوروبية بـ”ضرورة ربط إعادة علاقاتهم مع النظام الإيراني بتحسن واقع حقوق الإنسان وحقوق المرأة”.
 وتحدث البيان الأوروبي عن وضع النساء في إيران، معتبرًا أن “حرمان المرأة من الترشح للانتخابات الرئاسية، ومن منصب القاضي، فضلًا عن إجبارهن على ارتداء الحجاب، يعد انتهاكاً واضحاً لحقوق الإنسان”.
 يشار إلى أن البرلمان الأوروبي يضم 751 ممثلاً عن 28 دولة أوروبية.
تم نقل هذا الخبر , والمصدر هو المسؤل عن صحة هذا الخبر سواء كان صحيحا او خطأ , اذا كان لديك اى استفسار او طعن فى هذا الخبر برجاء مراسلتنا مصدر الخبر الاصلي: اليمن العربي

ماذا يفعل النظام الإيراني في العراق؟

تم التحديث:  11:18 03/11/2017 AST مشاركة تغريدة Email تعليق الحرس الإيراني بقناع الحشد الشع...